At the location, Jake will have to fight a group of enemies.Jake rides down a painfully linear road, filled with repeating obstacles, to that location.Jake learns of a lead that will take him to the next Devil’s Hand member.

Following the unexplained murder, Jake is quickly transitioned back to his bike as he jumps over a helicopter, and then the game drops you back off at the loading screen. That brawl lasts for a couple of blows and then Jake is suddenly standing over, and shooting, another character. The road scene lasts for a few seconds before Jake is suddenly thrust into a quick time event (QTE) fight with another biker. After killing a handful of the on-foot bikers, Jake (your character) pumps his fist in the air and the game jarringly switches to a cutscene of him riding a bike. Upon starting a new save file, you immediately (and with no explanation) find yourself manning a turret gun and shooting at waves of incoming enemies.

From the moment you press start to open up the main menu (which takes a full 22 seconds to load up), it is clear that Euthechnyx and Deep Silver made zero effort to craft anything even remotely close to resembling a fun video game. One of the few nice things about Ride to Hell: Retribution is that the game never makes any attempt to hide its true colors.